What is ALU, CU and Operating System? || Advantage and Disadvantage of Computer?

ALU and CU 

What is ALU?

ALU: - An Arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is a digital circuit used to perform arithmetic and logical operations. It represents the fundamental building block of the central processing Unit (CPU) of a computer modern. CPU contain very powerful and complex ALUs.


What is CU?

CU: The control unit (CU) is a component of a computer’s central processor. It tells the computer memory, arithmetic how to respond to a program’s instructions.



The most important program that runs on a computer. Every general-purpose Computer must have an operating system to run other programs. An operating system is an essential Components of Computer System a large Collection of Software which manages resources of the Computer System. Such as memory, processors file System and Input/output devices.

Operating System can be Classified as follows: -

Multi-User: - Allows two or more users to run program at the same time. Multi-user is software that allows access by multiple users of a computer. Time sharing Systems are multi-users Systems. Some operating Systems permit hundreds or even thousands of Concurrent users. Refers to Computer System that support two or more Simultaneous users. Most batch processing System for main frame Computers may also be Considered “multi-user”, to avoid leaving the CPU Idle while it Waits for I/O operations to Complete.

Multi-processing: - Multiprocessing is the use of two or more than One CPU. Within a single Computer System, the term also refers to ability of a System to support more than One processer and/or the ability to allocate tasks between them.

Multitasking: - ‘multitasking A” Multitasking operating system (OS) is able to run more than one process simultaneously and has control over which process is using the CPU and other resources at each time as opposed to a Co-operative multi-tasking operation system where the processes had to voluntarily relinquish the CPU leading to hangs and crashes.

Multithreading: - In computer architecture multithreading is an ability of CPU or a single core processor to execute multiple processes or threads con-currently, appropriately supports by the operating system.

Advantage and Disadvantage of Computer?


  1.  It helps you automate various task that you cannot do manually.
  2. It helps you organize your data and information in a better way.
  3. It has much more computing and calculating power then an ordinary human.
  4. It may help your work to be a list easier.
  5. It may be the storage of your important data and files.
  6. It may be your handy book.
  7. It may help you solve problems faster than an ordinary human being can do.
  8. It has speed, storage, reliability, consistency and communications.
  9. It helps you to find useful information using the internet.
  10. It helps in businesses, factories, offices, schools and homes.


  1. It destroys your social life and interactions with humans if you do not maintain the balance.
  2. It may affect to the destruction of your eyes sight due to radiation.
  3. It may cause pimples and wrinkles.
  4. It may damage your studies and life.
  5. Too much time in front of monitor may adversely affect your eyes sight and can also make you fat.
  6. The way it distracts and can deviate our thoughts and activities towards unproductive activities.
  7. It could cause violation of privacy, impact on labor force, health risks, impact on environment, distraction from work, and possible antisocial influences.
  8. Getting away from their real life and getting into bad lines.
  9. The skills of hundreds o thousands of employees are replaced by computer.
  10. Depleting natural resources and polluting the environment.


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